Leave a comment about this day On Thursday March 9th, We left what became the Texas Mosquito wildlife refuge. It was generally a nice night. As we began our tip today, we slipped right in line with the barges that seem to never end. The Gulf ICW is essentially a barge two lane with little if any room to pass. They continued to be very nice and accommodating even though some of them talked about me like I did not have a radio and could not hear.
We got back into civilization as we entered Port Author Texas. This is a VERY BIG shipyard. The traffic was all over the place, kind of like a bumper car ride, and the ships were as big as they make them. One little engine failure and I would have been a hood ornament on the very big boat. Dont worry, I have a plan A, B, and C. Plan D was to grab Gnarly and jump, but there are a number of reason why that might not be a good idea either.
We decided to take a short day and travel only 36 miles up a bayou at the Texas Louisiana boarder to a place called Peggy’s on the Bayou. What wonderful people. They did not have room on their docks, but they had me tie up to a shrimp boat for free. Its a perfect spot. Their restaurant had great burgers. Gnarly woofed down one small burger on her own. I think her tummy is bigger than mine.
I have reservations at a real marina tomorrow at Lake Charles. So far so good!