On April 4, 2023 all started off well. I got a quick opening of the CSX Railroad bridge and I was on my way across the remainder of the Mississippi Sound. Not too bad this morning with some choppy waters. I got a facetime call from Steven and my Grandkids as they stoop freezing at the bus stop in Illinois. I was cooking in Mississippi. Strange weather.
Speaking of strange weather, about an hour into the 6 hour trip the winds starting picking up. I then hit a dense bank of fog that never let loose the entire day. I was no more than 100 yards from shore at any given time, but I could not see it. It was like flying in the clouds, which I have done many times. My instruments were true, and I plunged forward. It got rougher and rougher throughout the day until I was wondering what I was doing on this trip, Gnarly was even mad at me and wanted to stop, but there was no place to stop. I had to go forward. Plan B was to head for the coast, beach the boat, rent a uhaul and take whatever I could back to Texas and call it quits. Yes, it was that bad. It compared to the trip back from Cuba when the boat broke.. Only this time, my repairs held up well. The nose of the boat would get buried in waves, and the backend would bang down when it came back up. This went on for 4 hours. I had to hold on with both hands most of the time. I did capture a short video while things were a little calmer, but no way does it show what I went through.
I reached Biloxi MS at a marina that had some southern cover, so it was much calmer on arrival. I have decided once again that the trip is worth it, but I think I will stay here an extra night to check the boat out and let the winds die down a bit. I thought the Mobile Bay was going to be the next challenge, Boy was wrong.
At least we had a nice dinner at the Golden Nugget Casino on the water next the the marina. This is a pretty nice place.