On April 9, 2023 we woke up to a north wind and 49 degrees. I have experienced colder, but not with so much north wind. It was cold! However we awakened to the most beautiful music.
Paula suggested that I was not celebrating Easter in a traditional way. Perhaps, but in some way more special. Easter is about miracles, and I experienced a lifetime of them today. I was tempted to call the Vatican and see if they would send their miracle verification team down.
Well Paula, I woke to a beautiful sunrise service in the stadium behind me. The stands were full and the songs were inspiring.
Last night, after the ballgame, I witnessed the most spectacular fireworks display I have ever seen, and I have seen many good ones. They were launched outside the outfield fence, and as I indicated yesterday, that was where I was located. I thought a first someone was shooting at me. It went on for 30 minutes.
Now the rest of the miracles. I was able to head down Pensacola Bay under sale. It was beautiful and quiet. About halfway through the bay, God said, “are you paying attention boy?”. The winds started gusting to 30 mph, the waves increased to 5 feet and I was in a bit of trouble. I was afraid the stress on the boat under sail was too much. It reminded me of the gusts of wind that caught me off guard coming home from Cuba that broke off one of the outrigger. I quickly dowsed the sail and and struggled to get it wrapped back on the furler. It was difficult, but I accomplished it. I then started the engine and it started to sputter and die. OMG! I went into “save the patient mode”. I started to trouble shooting and decided it was a bad idea to hang off the back of the boat in 5 foot waves to inspect the engine. If I could just get to the ICW, I would have better wind protection and calmer condition (I hoped). I brought the sail out 30% and that did the trick. Good forward speed, low stress, and better moving conditions. I made it to the ICW and turned into the wind. I started the engine and it ran OK at first, then it started to smoke. I did not panic. I went through all possible causes and then I realized that during the trouble I was having in the middle of the Bay, the engine was completely submerged several times. The smoke was steam coming off the engine and exhaust. It cleared once I got into less violent conditions and the motor ran well after that.
It was still very rough conditions and I was getting exhausted once again. Was it time for me to quit, or just time for me to stop for the night? My mantra is “I will quit when either the boat or I give out”. Neither had entirely given out yet.
I started to call around for a marina within 3 hours. I also looked at anchoring spots, but there were no protected areas close. Most marinas around here were destroyed by a hurricane a few years ago and never rebuilt. I did find a note in one of my navigation aids about a restaurant that occasionally allowed overnight stays. I called the owner and he was very nice and offered a tie up.
I arrived about 3 hours later and found the area a bit less windy but the current made it difficult to get in. It took me 5 tries to get my 18 foot wide boat into this 19 foot wide slip in blasting crosswinds and currents, but I did it without a scratch. It felt a bit like landing an airplane in a 35 knot crosswind, which I have done. Just ask the vomiting anesthesia student that was with me at the time.
I asked the owner what I owed him for the night. He said, ” Buy a T shirt and tip the waitress and we’ll call it even”. The amazing people I have met on the trip continue to inspire me.
Now the final miracle of the day. Remember yesterday when I told you I could not believe I dropped my inspection cap into the water and it sunk. I had to go get a new cap, but they only had the entire unit with the cap. Oh well. But, the cap did not fit the old unit, so I had to remove and replace the entire unit. What a pain. This section of the outrigger always fills with water in rough seas, and I have done everything to repair it. I told my friend Kim that there were too many coincidences and something must be going on. I half jokingly said that if I get to my next stop and the section is dry, then I will never questions the existence of God again. Well people, there is a God and I am now convinced he or she has been watching after me with Mittie standing beside him (or her) laughing all the way.
If there are cigars and whisky in heaven, she is sitting back with one in each hand and enjoying the spectacle of it all.
So, I hope you enjoyed my Easter story. My night will be filled with loud music, watching kids playing volleyball on the beach in shorts on a cold night with plenty of antifreeze in them. It is Spring Break!!