On April 10, 2023, I woke up to kids still playing country music and playing volleyball in the sand. I took Gnarly for a quick land walk before we left. I brewed some coffee, untied, and headed out to what I knew would be a chilly and windy day. What I did not know is that right in the mix of things, just as the seas were starting to kick my butt again, the engine started acting up. I could not sail this time because the cold wind was in my face. I tweaked the throttle and played with a few adjustments and found the engine to run OK at low RPM. This told me that it was a fuel issue. Bad fuel, clogged filter, or possibly spark plug issues. It was possible that the fuel had water in it, considering all the submersions of the fuel tank area I encountered. I do have a water fuel separator, but it might be full. I was in no position to deal with it right then, so I started looking for marinas that would take me for a few days so I could sort things out.
I found this lovely place next to Elgin Airforce base, and rates were reasonable. I knew I was close to the base because I saw a very unusual object. I asked Steve Jr what it was and through the majic of google picture recongition, he found it to be an observation towner for the airforce base. It looks like the flying saucer towers seen in “Men in Black”. I am sure there are advanced system in existence that nobody but a few know about.
The only problem with getting to the marina was I had to get through a large open body of water with winds hitting 25mph and waves 3 to 5 feet…….again. But this time with limited engine capability and no way to sail except back to where I came from.
I have learned a few things about the wind, and as I hugged the north coast, the waves were more manageable.
Another goal I had was to make it somewhere by 1pm so that I teach a class to the Anesthesia Students in Lincoln via zoom. I have been looking forward to doing this. They are a great group of kids. They were the ones that sent me the sweetest sympathy card after Mittie passed away. One of the comments was the best. It simply said, “Grief is the price we pay for love”. So true. I go back to this often when I feel so low.
Anyway, I was doing well until a blast rocked my boat. I quickly looked up and saw the afterburners of a F-22 Rapture. They were using me as a practice target. I tried to take a picture but they were gone in a flash. I pity our enemies. You can’t hear a thing until they are on top of you and then they are gone.
After that I approached the marina, and things calmed down. I was amazed how nice this place is. The people here at the Bluewater Marina are the best.
I set my Starlink up and did the lecture. Thank you Elon, your device is impressive. I named my device ” Starlord”. Those of you who are Guardian of the Galaxy fans, know what I am talking about.
At the marina, they let me use a car to go to West Marine in Destin. I came back and had some wonderful oysters.
I have to work on the engine, let some weather go by, and make sure everything is ready to go. So, even though I will continue to post every day, I may not make much progress until the weekend. Stay tuned.