It is Thursday April 13, 2023. I have to write the date each day or I would lose track of time. That is not a bad thing. One of the problems I don’t miss while being off the grid is hearing the daily BS some people call the “news”. As long as my credit card is still working, I figure the world is still functioning to some extent. What else do I really need to know. And, the only flags I see flying on the water are American flags. No need to express yourself beyond that.
After a very windy and rainy night on the boat, I felt very lucky and smart to have stayed this long in this lovely marina. I met some great people, ate fantastic food, but the windy weather should clear tonight and I will be on my way in the morning. The sun is out and I feel good.
The only thing I was tempted to stay for was this interesting looking event on April 22nd. Picture to follow.
However, Gnarly is well rested and ready to go, and so am I.
Just when I thought I was done for the evening, I heard a voice calling me from the dock. It was Pat from “Nearly Perfect”, the boat she and her husband took on the loop. Her husband passed away a few years ago, and she lives on the boat full time. She invited me on board her wonderful boat and answered my questions about the Loop. Very valuable.
I then headed down the dock to get a bite to eat, but was stopped and invited to drink and have conversations with some wonderful people on one of the most beautiful sailboats I have seen. Nathan and Terri are on “Moonbeam” and they are wonderful people with interesting stories, and two very nice dogs that Gnarly kind of likes now. At least she tolerates.
I also met a few of their friends who were just as nice and had just as interesting stories. I love it!
Soon I spotted Hutch. He was the one with the yorkie and the offer of navigation material. He came through. “Skipper Bob Charts” in hand, we sat and had a beer and a nice dinner, which I gladly bought. He entertained me with his stories of Nam and the many experiences he has had in marine and aviation. What a guy. If I am half that active at half his age, I will be happy.
I finished the evening with a gathering crowd watching the Thursday night paddleboard races and off the sleep listening to open mic night from the bar. OMG!
I am off on the water again tomorrow, but could not leave this place without telling you that everyone should visit Niceville FL and the Bluewater Marina. What a place!